Tort Claim filed against Caldwell by Joseph Hoadley

Publish date: 2024-07-04

Former Caldwell Lieutenant Joseph Hoadley has filed a Tort Claim against the City of Caldwell.

Back in September, Hoadley was found guilty on three counts:

Hoadley wrote this in a message that was posted on Idaho Dispatch's Facebook page:

"After 21 years of impeccable public service to the City of Caldwell as a decorated police officer, the actions taken as noted above by multiple city officials has caused me to suffer severe financial, personal and professional consequences. I was placed on medical leave on two separate occasions during this time period by my therapist due to extreme depression, emotional distress and anxiety caused by the hostile work environment. Defamatory and inaccurate representations made of me to the media and public by "city officials" and "sources within Caldwell government" have caused substantial harm to my reputation and effectively ended a 21-year career in law enforcement. I would reference you to my City of Caldwell Police Department personnel file and 20+ years of positive evaluations, commendations, awards and certifications. My termination came about from outside my chain of command, with no sort of progressive discipline, no formal meeting and no opportunity of an exit interview. Evidence that could have potentially exonerated me from criminal charges were intentionally withheld by the City of Caldwell resulting in a criminal conviction (appeal pending)."

Hoadley's tort claim is filed with seeking damages in four separate areas, defamation, negligent investigation, injurious falsehood and wrongful termination.

The full post and explanation is on the Facebook page.
