Risk of Rain 2 Overpowered Tank/Damage Build

Publish date: 2024-07-28

This build prioritizes Forgive Me Please, to activate gasoline and ignite the whole map on fire at once. With this build I’ve even finished the teleporter event before it charged to 1%, and beat Mithrix without ever using a single ability or attack.


Guide to Overpowered Tank/Damage Build


The main focus of this build is to have fun, so feel free to mess around with it, and change it however you want. And if you want some more boss damage, or want some attack speed go ahead and build it.

The basics of this build are to use Gesture of the Drowned as well as Forgive Me Please, and stack as many on-kill effects as possible. Then use Fuel Cell’s to reduce Forgive Me Please’s cooldown so it’s always active.

The next part of the guide will be separated into 2 sections, necessary build, and optional build. Necessary build contains items you must build for this to work, and optional build contains items that somewhat work with this build, that you can get if you want.

Necessary Build

Optional Build

Side Notes

Here are some results I found from testing this build out myself.

First off, if you stack enough Fuel Cells, you can have 3 dolls be out at one time from Forgive Me Please. But I encountered what I believe to be a bug. The way it works is, Forgive Me Please lasts 8 seconds, so if you lower the cooldown of Forgive Me Please to around 3 seconds, then you throw one doll out, then after 3 seconds another, then after 3 seconds another. Then the first one will disappear, and it will keep repeating that cycle. But once I stacked enough Fuel Cells to do this, all 3 dolls came out at the same time, instead of 1 at a time at 3 second intervals.

The second thing I want to mention is that if you’re going to try this build, the first time you go to the Bazaar Between Time, make sure you get everything you want, because you won’t be able to go back once you have Gesture of the Drowned. You might end up accidentally attacking the shopkeeper because of Gesture of the Drowned activating Forgive Me Please, and be kicked out.

The third thing I want to talk about, is who to try this build on. Personally, I made this build for MUL-T, but it can really be done on anyone you’d like, the best probably being Acrid.


Here is a screenshot of me testing out this build earlier, going on a 2-hour run, and beating Mithrix with it.

And here is a YouTube video I published of me in the same run, defeating Mithrix without ever using my abilities. That means no left clicking, no right clicking, no shift, and no R.

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Written by Gover
