Noah Syndergaards girlfriend Ellen Kraemer
Noah Syndergaard’s girlfriend Ellen Kraemer is a young hot blonde. Ellen is currently setting my world on fire every time I look at her, and the same is true for Noah. Now to be fair, there’s no confirmation of the couple being together. But there’s certainly plenty of buzz from the internet suggesting they’re together. I swear, these baseball players are so consistent in their quest to attract hot chicks. It makes my head spin. “Ellen” isn’t the kind of name I think of when I see a girl like this. But that’s real life for ya’. She’s a graduate of Lock Haven University and studied social work there. So that means she likes to help people in need, right? So if I made some sort of claim like my family has fallen apart, might I get a shot at talking to her?
It was this May that she graduated from Lock Haven, and she celebrated with her friends from school. Noah Syndergaard’s girlfriend is originally from New Jersey. Her friends will routinely tell her they can’t wait until they’re home and “down the shore”. I’ve been there many times, and it’s not that bad. But saying you can’t wait until you’re down the shore when you’re from Budd Lake, New Jersey, as Ellen is, is sort of like saying you can’t wait to be back in the city when you’re from Upstate New York. That’s not to say that Budd Lake isn’t a beautiful place, but it is to say that it’s the polar opposite of the Jersey Shore. I was just out there next to Budd Lake for a wedding, and people own castles out there. Ellen is a bona finde Jersey princess!
Last year, before Noah Syndergaard’s girlfriend had ever met any handsome World Series runner-up, she took a trip to the Caribbean with a large contingent of her family and their friends. After a short time, she was baked by the sun and perfectly tanned, having chilled out on the beach with one of her pals that she’d brought along. A tanned natural blonde from New Jersey is a good thing to spot. And now that she’s spending more time in New York proper, she can have more opportunities to travel. At one point the internet thought that Ellen worked at Hooters, but that turned out to be a halloween costume.