NICKMERCS Kicks His Coach Gdolphin from Tripods for Making a Joke in Mid ALGS Season

Publish date: 2024-07-02

Gdolphin was kicked out of Tripods after he complimented Deeds and cracked a joke in a specific way. NICKMERCS didn’t take it very well.

NICKMERCS is a full-time content creator currently signed under FaZe. Although he is a streamer, his talent in FPS games cannot be ignored. He started his competitive eSports journey as a professional Gears of War player in 2010. However, the Battle Royale genre made NICKMERCS stand out from the rest.

After trying out Fortnite and Warzone, NICKMERCS set his eyes on Apex Legends. Although people were skeptical and thought Nick would not survive in the fast-paced gameplay in the Outlands, he proved everyone wrong in just a matter of time.

He not only proved his talents but right now, he is competing with and against the finest NA players as an Apex Legends pro. After proving himself in the last ALGS, Nick and his team were invited to the ALGS Pro League.

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NICKMERCS and Gdolphin Goes Against Each Other

NICKMERCS, Deeds, and Gent are playing in ALGS Pro League under the Tripods banner, where Nick is the captain. Additionally, Gdolphin was appointed as the coach for Tripods, who has been a coach for TSM for a long time. Video topic starts at 00:00 and ends at 2:36

However, a few days back, NICKMERCS, Deeds, and Gdolphin were playing ranked matches, and Gdolphin said something to Nick. Gdolphin said, “Nick, you gotta be careful of Deeds. I’m telling you right now because people are gonna start noticing, and all of a sudden, the price and the stonks of Deeds is gonna rise up, then you gonna have to pay him a lot more.”

“I don’t think you say anything like that to me in your life or I’ll f**ing bop you in the back of your head, boy,” NICKMERCS responded angrily to Gdolphin. Gdolphin didn’t think Nick was serious and replied, “I’m not under nobody’s payroll though.”

After that, it kind of went back and forth, and NICKMERCS kept arguing Gdolphin for saying something like this. Although Gdolphin said it was only a joke and a compliment for Deeds, NICK was having none of that.

NICKMERCS Kicks Gdolphin Out of Tripods

After that incident took place, NICKMERCS, Gent, and Deeds had a discussion and decided that they “need another coach.” Although NICK mentioned in his stream that the way he reacted and dealt with the situation might’ve been too much.

He also mentions in his stream that he talked with Gdolphin, and everything was good between them. But it’s just NICKMERCS does not expect these types of “jokes” from their coach before an hour of a tournament when Gdolphin should’ve been hyping them up. So, Tripods will be getting a new coach.

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