Fame | Garlin Gilchrist net worth and salary income estimation Sep, 2024
How old is Garlin Gilchrist? When is Garlin Gilchrist's birthday? Where is Garlin Gilchrist born? Where did Garlin Gilchrist grow up from? What's Garlin Gilchrist's age?
Garlin Gilchrist Born: 1982 (age 41years), Detroit, MI
Is Garlin Gilchrist married? When did Garlin Gilchrist get married? Who's Garlin Gilchrist's married to? (Who's Garlin Gilchrist's husband / wife)?
Garlin Gilchrist Spouse: Ellen Gilchrist
How about Garlin Gilchrist's education?
Garlin Gilchrist Education: University of Michigan College of Engineering (2005), University of Michigan
How about Garlin Gilchrist's party?
Garlin Gilchrist Party: Democratic Party
How about Garlin Gilchrist's descendants?
Garlin Gilchrist Descendants: Garlin Gilchrist III, Emily Grace Gilchrist
How about Garlin Gilchrist's current position?
Garlin Gilchrist Current position: Lieutenant Governor of Michigan since 2019
How about Garlin Gilchrist's previous_campaigns?
Garlin Gilchrist Previous_campaigns: Lieutenant Governor of Michigan general Election, 2022
How many terms can a governor serve in Michigan?
The current governor is Gretchen Whitmer, a member of the Democratic Party, who was inaugurated on January 1, 2019, as the state's 49th governor. She was re-elected to serve a second term in 2022. The governor is elected to a four-year term and is limited to two terms.
Who is second in command in Michigan?
Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist has dedicated his career to solving problems.
Who is Whitmer's lieutenant governor?
The current governor is Gretchen Whitmer, a member of the Democratic Party, who was inaugurated on January 1, 2019, as the state's 49th governor. She was re-elected to serve a second term in 2022. The governor is elected to a four-year term and is limited to two terms.